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Newsletter #123
September 2, 2011


Release of h5check 2.0.1

A new release of the HDF5 Format Checker, h5check version 2.0.1, is now available. This version was tested with HDF5-1.8.7 and HDF5-1.6.10.

The h5check home page is located at:


The h5check utility can be downloaded from The HDF Group Downloads page under HDF5 Standalone Tools:


The h5check utility is a validation tool for verifying that an HDF5 file is encoded according to the HDF File Format Specification. Its purpose is to ensure data model integrity and long-term compatibility between evolving versions of the HDF5 library.

Release of h5edit 1.0.0

The first release of the HDF5 file editor, h5edit version 1.0.0, is now available for download from The HDF Group Downloads page under HDF5 Standalone Tools:


It can also be obtained from the JPSS Project Download page:


The h5edit utility is a general tool for editing HDF5 files from the command line. The first release only supports commands for the creation and deletion of attributes of datasets and groups. Future releases will include support for more commands and other HDF5 objects.

For information on h5edit, see:


This tool is sponsored by the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) and NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP).

Release of h5augjpss 1.0.0

The first release of h5augjpss, version 1.0.0, is now available from The HDF Group Downloads page under HDF5 Projects (JPSS):


It can also be obtained from the JPSS Project Download page:


This tool augments or adds modifications to Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) product files so that they conform to the netCDF-4 data model and can be readable by netCDF-4 tools. The h5augjpss utility is not a general tool, but may be of interest to others in the HDF community.

For more information regarding this tool, see:


The h5augjpss utility is sponsored by the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) and NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP).

HDF5 Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) at SC11

The HDF Group will be leading an HDF5 Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) session at SC11 (Supercomputing 2011). SC11 will be held from November 12-18, 2011 in Seattle, Washington. Be sure to check the SC11 web page for more details when they are available:


- - Last modified: 14 October 2016